カナダへの 留学・ワーキングホリデー・旅行を考えている方に。カナダの基本情報やお得な情報がギュッとつまったJpcanada!

学生ビザ申請③ -Personal checklist作成編-


学生ビザ申請方法 日本から新規で申請する場合


【Apply to come to Canada】をクリック

step11.●●'s account


【Visitor visa, study and/or work permit】をクリック

step12.personal checklist



What would you like to do in Canada?
→ 学生ビザの申請なので「Study」を選びます。
How long are you planning to stay in Canada?
→ 6か月以上就学する態で申請するので「Temporary-more than 6 months」を選びます。
Select the code that matches the one on your passport.
→ 日本のパスポートはJPN(Japan)
What is your current country/territory of residence?If you are presently in Canada, you should select Canada.
→ 日本にいるのでJapanを選びます。
Do you have a family member who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and is 18 years or older?
What is your date of birth?:生年月日を入力します。

step13-1. find out if you're eligible to apply



Are you a lawful permanent resident of the United States with a valid alien registration card(Green Card)?

step13-8.find out if you're eligible to apply続き



Have you been accepted to a designated learning institute?

step13-9.find out if you're eligible to apply続き



What is your marital status?

Married(既婚)、Legally Separated(法的別居)、Divoced(離婚)、Annulled Marriage(婚姻無効)、Widowed(未亡人)、Common-Law(コモンロー)、Never Married/Single(未婚独身)




What is your province of destination? If visiting multiple provinces, select the one in which you will be spending most of your time.




Study Permit(学生ビザ)の申請資格があることが確認できました。
step14.your results



step15.create your personal checklist



Are you an exchange student?
Is work an essential component of your studies?
Are you a spouse, common-law partner or child of certain skilled worker or of certain full time international student that has or will have status in Canada?
Are you:
-A recipient of a Commonwealth scholarship; or
-A recipient of a full bursary (covering all expenses) from the Canadian International Development Agency(CIDA), including Francophonie scholarships; or
-A participant in a Canadian aid program for developing countries?

→ 通常Noです。

step16-1.find out if you're eligible to apply



Are you accompanying a family member that has status in Canada, or has recently been approved to come to Canada?




Have you ever committed, been arrested for, been charged with, or convinced of any criminal offence in any country?




Have you had a medical exam performed by an IRCC authorized panel physician (doctor) within the last 12 months?




Have you visited or lived in any one of the designated countries for 6 consecutive months in the last year?




Are you giving someone access to your application?




There are fees associated with this application. Will you be paying your fees or are you fee exempt?




Are you able to make a digital copy of your documents with a scanner or camera?




Will you be paying your application fees online? To pay online, you can use a credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, China Union Pay) or a debit card (Visa Debit, Debit MasterCard or Interac).
:オンラインで申請料を払いますか?クレジットカード(Visa, Master, American Express, JCB)等が利用可能です。




step17.review your answers

学生ビザ申請④ -submitting your application編-